Saturday, February 16, 2013


Okay guys. So this morning a friend of mine linked me to this blog post...( And I want to address what was written about me. I hate drama, and am not trying to cause it but to me it is important to defend myself and let y'all know the real truth. So here goes.

I want to say that what this person is saying is NOT true! Yes I enter giveaways, but I never expect to fucking win! I enter them, and share about them FOR FUN! Its always nice to win free stuff, am I right?
Also, as for me asking about tracking numbers, I ASK about that to make sure that you don't end up eating your money because of something getting lost, I've had packages lost in the mail before and I felt bad that whoever sent me that stuff lost both the money that it cost to buy those things, but also the money to ship it! THAT IS FUCKING ALL!

As for asking companies to send me stuff, I do not do that! Yes I have been offered to have stuff sent, or mentioned that I am willing to review stuff for people when they say that they are looking for someone to do so but I DO NOT FUCKING BEG FOR IT!

Also, I share the giveaways all the time because of the fact I know alot of people who, like me at this moment, DO NOT HAVE MONEY TO SPEND ON ANYTHING! I do it because I want to share the love, and give others a chance to win as well, to brighten their days!

I absolutely LOVE makeup and all things beauty, it is my passion. That is why I do stuff like this.

So to those of you who think that I don't care about anyone else but myself, please leave and don't bother coming back. I do not see why all of us in this beauty community must bash eachother! It is ridiculous to want to make someone feel like crap. I DO NOT LIKE IT OR SUPPORT IT!
To those who think I am dishonest, or just looking for free shit, please quit it. That is not the case at all.

Also, if you do not like people sharing giveaways, or posting about them, or things of that sort, THEN DON'T POST FREE GIVEAWAYS!


SO to anyone who doesn't like me, doesn't like what I do, or what I post, then stop reading/liking/or talking to me! I DO NOT CARE! I know plenty of people who will still stick around with me. And those are my true friends.

So please, read this, and do what you want. I will keep doing what I am doing.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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